Deep Freezer Efficency

Deep Freezer Efficency

Do you struggle with managing your deep freezer content? Well not any more. Not sure why it took so long to come up with this idea. We did the same thing as everyone else. Dig around until you find something, or stand at the store and try to remember if you have any of this or that. The white board, pretty simple invention. Now stick it on the front of your freezer and list everything that is in there with a date. We buy in bulk, cut and repackage our meat. Not only to save on cost but to get exactly what we want. The trick is you have to edit the board every time you add or subtract inventory. Take a pic and when you are shopping you will know exactly what you have.

One item on the board is Corn/A lot. The is another story but we go to Camp Verde and buy corn by the dozen and then freeze it for the winter. We had a bunch left over from the previous year so it kind of backed up but we are working on that. This system has been working really well and when we want to pull something out for dinner we can just read the items and make our choice without having the door wide open while we are searching. I stuck ours on with double sided tape, seems to be working fine. Hope it works for you as well as it has been working here.

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